Studio Tour Peek-a-Boo Gallery, Gotham Studios, 2023


Scraps of old work, new work, and works to be are scattered around a diorama snapshot of Kotzee’s current studio practice. Reference images point to found historical narratives. Loose ends are bundled into a heap. The visual and written research on display gestures to an illegible centre, trying and failing to capture a feeling.


board, books (Apart (2012, Catherine Taylor), Kevin Robertson: Paintings 1984 - 2023 (2022, LWAG), Luc Tuymans: The Arena (2003, Hatje Cantz), Observation, Notation (2018, Andrew Forge), The Carrier Bag Theory of Fiction (1986, Ursula K. Guin), The Painters of Skagen (1990, Knud Voss)) blue tack, Dispersion (print on paper, Seth Price), cardboard, Limbani (2021, oil on board, Jacob Kotzee), nails, photographs, Sunset (2023, oil on board, Jacob Kotzee), tape, Victor (2021, oil on canvas, Jacob Kotzee), WA, Without Memory or Desire (print on paper, Francis Russell).